Anniegrateful, my blog…

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There are moments in your life that call you… this is one of those moments for me. My heart has been telling me to quit my career of 16 years, pursue writing and find my purpose. It started as a quiet whisper and now it is more of a pounding demand.

I am not a writer… or so I have told myself. Yet what is a writer? I have put my words on paper for as long as I can remember. They have been hidden from the world in a hope chest at the foot of my bed since I was a child. The journals of my yesterdays have perhaps prepared me for this day.

When I tell you I am both terrified and excited all bundled up into one, that does not even quite justify how I feel. Yet here I am. I am trusting in the one person I have silenced for years.


I am not quite sure what will come of this or where it may lead me, but for once in my life I am going to follow without question.  I am open to what ever this journey may bring me.

My greatest hope is, that in my journey to following my heart… I inspire you, motivate you and move you to follow yours. Most of all I hope to remind you, of the truth about who you are, by sharing the truths about me.

So this is the beginning of my blog about finding myself and my purpose. I am excited of the posts to follow and hope you will  join me for ride!

Write back soon…Love Annie



37 thoughts on “Anniegrateful, my blog…

  1. Couldn’t be more proud of you!
    You have been courageous & stayed true to yourself.
    It has been an amazing watching you grow & I am looking foward to continuing to take this journey with you. Love, Jerry

    1. I love you too, so much. You have truly helped me in more ways then you can even begin to imagine. I can not think of anyone else I would love to walk by my side on this journey… Thank you for always supporting me in everything I do. xox

  2. One of the most courageous people I know. When u put ur sights on something…look out!! Can’t wait to see what’s next in ur journey! xoxo

  3. Annie, I Love it! You are one of the most inspiring people I know and I look forward to following you on your journey. Keep writing…whispered the heart!

  4. Being Motivated by Love for this Journey Called Life is your Purpose Anne!!
    If all of us are motivated by Love and not Money this world would be a Better Place!!

    Love you Lil’Ann

  5. Can’t wait to see what you have to write! You’re an amazing woman and I’m sure that you will amaze us some more with your blog!

  6. You have been and continue to be an inspiration touching all who know you with your shine. I hope you reach and touch people through your blog and they will be inspired to follow their hearts as you have. It is a privilege to know you! I’m so happy for you!

  7. You have had a HUGE impact on my life in every aspect physically, mentally and emotionally. I would not be who I am today without your guidance and your coaching. I don’t even think you know how much of an impact you have had on me and how much you have changed my life. God put you in my life for a very special reason Anne. I’m beyond blessed to know you. I’m proud of you for your courage and taking that leap of faith. Anne continue to just be you because you alone are an inspiration! #AnnesNumber1Fan #Congrats

    1. You are a beautiful soul Lauren! Thank you for your continued support, and for being my first official agent. You truly touched my heart with this post I love you xox

  8. I Love it! I’m at a crossroads in my life to and reading this helps me to not feel like I’m the only one. Thanks for sharing your heart and spreading hope!

    1. Only to happy to help!! There are many, too many of us out there just looking for guidance… It is good to have company on the journey xox

    1. As is mine for you my friend…don’t make me cry! I will miss seeing you every week, but we will never lose touch. xox

  9. Sitting hear reading the comments above only proves how you have already touched so many. This is just the tip of the iceberg for you my Annie Grateful. I’m so excited and my heart swells with love and pride for you! Look out world Annie Grateful has set her wings free. There is no turning back and only one way to go but up for her and all who follow I promise you that!

    1. My Biggest fan since I was a little squirt. I love you so unbelievably much it’s ridiculous! Thank you for always supporting me. xox

  10. So excited for you Anne! Words cannot express the joy I feel for you. I know there are great things ahead for you. You are a shining star and I am blessed to be touched by your light. Thank you for all you do! Love you! Xo

  11. Anne,
    I am so excited and happy for you! From what I have seen so far, you have a beautiful way with words! I look forward to reading more from you! Many Blessings!

  12. So proud of you! Your words are beautifully written! I was reading all the comments and tears were rolling down my face. I’m so happy for you and all the people that you are inspiring. Looking forward to reading more! “Don’t dream your life, live your dream!” Love ya! Xoxo

    1. I love you DM… God has blessed me with more sisters then I could have ever hoped for. Love you so much and thank you Xx

  13. I believe people come into your life for a reason, and I’m so glad you came into our family. You write beautiful! And with your words and encougement maybe I can finally take a step and stop with the “I can’t” or the “excuses”. I know your new journey will bring you much success. You deserve it!! Xoxo

    1. I believe so too, I’m so glad the Sica’s are apart of the plan. I love you ALL and am so happy to inspire you on your journey. Xox

  14. Beautifully written from a beautiful lady. Your actions and words inspire me to dream more, learn more, do more and want to become more. I am so happy and proud of you for following your heart. Your life is about to begin a whole new journey and I’m honored to be able to watch and support you in wherever your heart takes you . Love you my little sis!

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