Getting in Alignment With Your Greatest Calling

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When we truly act from our heart and follow what it tells us to do, we put ourselves and others in alignment.

I have been coaching Crossfit for 3 years now and it has been such a blessing in a million different ways. It has been a ship that has sailed me across many rough waters and I am so grateful for the opportunity it has provided for me, but today I put in my two weeks’ notice.

It’s impossible when we are standing in the face of a decision to truly know how things will turn out, but I do believe if you ask yourself the question and your whole body says yes, we have to listen.

How many times in life did you know, with out a doubt, you should do something; leave a job, end a relationship, take that chance, make that change and then you did nothing?

You did nothing and things stayed exactly the same. For better or worse you’ll never know, because you never did anything. You stayed safe.

We do this all the time, and I’m not doing it anymore.

Fear is an illusion. We must continue to feel the fear and do it anyway, until it will affect us no more than the horse is affected by the fly.

It seems the less I listen to the fear the more clearly I can hear my heart. Apparently it has a lot to say! I don’t know what the plan is but I’m guessing it is bigger then anything I am capable of seeing from this view. I trust myself. I trust my heart. I am all in for this adventure and I feel at peace with my decision.

When we do not follow our hearts, we create road blocks for others trying to follow theirs. Think of the ripple effect. If you are doing what doesn’t align with your soul, it forces so many other people to be out of their alignment. Do it for yourself and realize that you will be the change that others need to see. Create the ripple effect that inspires others to follow their greatest calling. Photographer Heather Miller Photographer Heather Miller

I feel like I am walking blindly through my life right now, but I know I am being guided. With each new decision I make to follow my heart, I believe I will continue to be rewarded.

I am shedding off all these layers. Chipping away at all I am not, so who I am can shine through and truly make a difference in this world.

I am no longer Annie the hairstylist, Annie the Crossfit coach nor Annie the doer and achiever. I’m not even Annie the writer, but quite simply, Annie. No label. No identity. I am free.

“Consider this. It is easy. Embrace nothing, turn nothing away…” ~ The Heart of Awareness.

Write back soon, love Annie.

Day 16 of 90 meditating.


2 thoughts on “Getting in Alignment With Your Greatest Calling

  1. i remember meeting a woman 15 years ago, who was and continues to be one of my greatest inspirations. At the time i said to her, “thank you for staying on your path, so i can more clearly see mine.” I definitely think it works that way. honoring brings honoring, and clarifies our lens of perception. And as Teillhard says, “all of evolution lies in seeing” this is something i am trying to do all the time see my life more clearly with ever more perfect eyes. And for me what you are doing is a gentle reminder once again to review, refine, and see more clearly. So thank you!
    This is one of my favorite poems…it connects.

    What to Remember When Waking
    –by David Whyte (Dec 30, 2013)

    What you can plan is too small for you to live.
    What you can live wholeheartedly will make plans enough
    for the vitality hidden in your sleep.

    To be human is to become visible
    while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others.
    To remember the other world in this world
    is to live in your true inheritance.

    You are not a troubled guest on this earth,
    you are not an accident amidst other accidents
    you were invited from another and greater night
    than the one from which you have just emerged.

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