Resist Resisting

There is grace in learning to resist resisting.

I am changing my ways. Every day. I am learning to adopt new ways of thinking and new ways of being. Although they are greatly improving my quality of life, I often find that sometimes, these new ways of being, require a little extra effort.

It’s not always easy to do what we know is “right.” How often do we know that things will work out in their time, but refuse to acknowledge that the watch it’s working off of, isn’t always set in our time zone? So in our haste we grab the next closest thing, missing out on the greatness that was just around the corner.

We know to be patient and have acceptance but it’s not always easy to practicing these things.

We have pleasant little sayings we cluck at each other like little parrots repeating words without knowing their meanings. “What will be will be.” Ba-back… “Everything works out in the end.” Cluck cluck, “Poly wants a cracker.”

But it’s not happening now!

The house you’ve been looking for just refuses to show up, the raise you’ve been waiting for isn’t finding it’s way to your pay check and the soul-mate you’ve been searching for hasn’t crossed your path… Don’t they know that we are already waiting for them! We are ready for them… or are we?

The truth is, and I’ll quote it, “It’s not yet time.” Cluck cluck…

We need to resist resisting and start learning that things, people or situations are not always going to be the way we want them to be. They are exactly what they are and what they need to be. Whether that’s good or bad, is only simply in our saying it is so. Of course we always know that things will work out, and they will when we first stop resisting the way that they are now.

Truly. Not in a parrot repeating itself kind of way, but in a fully embracing and loving kind of way. Know this, everything that is unfolding in front of you, is exactly what you need to become a better you. I recently heard a wise person say, “We all need to become victims, so we can become wiser.” If everything we ever wanted was always at our finger tips, we’d never have room to grow.

It is with great adversity that people’s minds will learn to be expanded. Being uncomfortable forces us to get up and take a stand for what we believe in. Pain motivates the lazy to action, the tired to passion, the emotional to strong and the weak to tyrants, driven by love.

It’s all the things we think we lack in this life, that give us our greatest gift. Ourselves. Forcing us to dig deep and find ourselves, so that when the things we really need show up, we can fully appreciate them. It was in the wait for them that made their appearance in our lives so much more satisfying.

Resist resisting what is so. Embrace it. Love it so deeply and with great admiration then watch what appears in its place. For what you resist persist, “cluck cluck”-

Yet, what you accept, sets you free.

Write back soon, love Annie

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