What if I told you, you are sleeping?… Wake up!

It’s like we all have Alzheimer’s and we forgot whats life is about… instead of living we are only existing.

You know the place. Where we just get up and go about our day. Auto-piloting our way straight from sunrise, all the way to sunset. Our thoughts consumed with worry over all the little nonsense and clutter that our minds collect.

We forget that the most important thing we should do in a day is acknowledge all the people crossing our path. If even just to smile at them. Instead, they pass us like the leaves carried by the wind. All looking the same and none holding any importance. We sweep them out of our minds like we sweep the nagging piles that collect on our back door step. We place our worried heads to rest at night with no memory of them ever passing by.

We are all important, every one of us. Our lives are important and so is who we are. It’s when we forget that, that we get lost. We fall asleep and then we make other people feel like they are unimportant because we are all busy sleep walking around. Stuck in our heads, so we can’t even see each other. Yet, we need to be seen, so we can be heard… so we can help each other.

How do we fall asleep?


When we get wrapped up in our thoughts and our worries. When we think the most important thing we have going on is what is next, instead of where we are. Our eyes looking wide into the future, while we step on and over whats under our feet. Literally tripping over our present, which use to once hold our attention, now simply being used as a steeping stone for whats next, whats next, whats next…

Thinking that what’s simply out of reach is what’s going to make us happy, complete and fulfill our needs. Nonetheless, that thing is never going to complete us, ever… because there will always be something else.

I am finding that life has it phases of awake and asleep and not just in the literal sense.

Forgive yourself for your sleeping moments.

When we are asleep, we feel worthless, purposeless. Hitting the snooze more times than we can count before we drag ourselves out of bed, with promises that we will return as soon as possible. Walking around with our eyes focused in, passing our loved ones on the way to the kitchen, not even muttering their name. We don’t care who surrounds us because we are alone amongst many and strangers to our friends. People annoy us and anger us by simply getting in our way or driving to slow. There is no flow, only resistance everywhere go.

Embrace the awake moments, cherish them.


When we are awake, we are with purpose. Waking up before our alarm sounds, focused and alert. We smile when we meet the people we greet and we are present with those who surround us. We know that all the people in our life share a common purpose of helping us on our path. Whether they teach us, guide us, push us or encourage us along the way, we know it is all part of the plan and our life is worth living because it excites us!

When you feel your creative, playful self, you’ll know you are there. Do all that you can when you can. Stay up late and wake up early! The energy inside of your spirit will charge your soul! You’ll find you’ll want and need less, of everything… sleep and food included!

Follow your intuition!

This will be the best time to make decisions… even the most difficult ones! Stay true to who you are, the inside, deep down, who you know you are.  The one who came here to make a difference.

I can tell you from my experience that the sleep and wake phases of our life will continue to come.

What I can also tell you is the moment we realize that we are awake, we must grab life so fearlessly by the horns and do as much as we can before we quickly fall back to sleep. Making sure to sound the alarm and remind all those around us that they too are sleeping!

Wake up my friends!


Wake up from your slumbers! The world is sick with sleeping souls!

The more we realize we are just sleep walking through our lives, the more we can start making a conscious effort to stay awake and the more we will stay awake! Don’t fall back asleep. Life will try to distract you, don’t let it! Our job is to create little sparks that stir the spirits of those around us.

Our purpose is to awaken each other and remind each other to stay awake! So we can be creative and be the change we want to see in the world.

Write back soon, Love Annie

Sorry for the lapse in blogs, I fell asleep… happy to announce I am currently awake!

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