Ending the Grind of Nine to Five

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I believe more than ever people are reaching out and looking in for purpose and happiness in their lives.  We have found ourselves in this routine of get up, go to work and pay the bills.  If we are fortunate enough, we get our one week vacation a year that pacifies us long enough to get through another year of getting up and paying the bills.

The world of technology has engulfed us; it is easy to feel disconnected from people and ourselves.  We have this false sense of community on social media that has us blind to the truths that surround us. Leaving us all feeling a little unhappy while smiling toothy grins in our profile pictures.

Now I will be the first to acknowledge that happiness is not a destination. It is a place inside of us. It’s our attitude/view on our current situation. Whether we are sitting on the beach or at our desk working. Happiness is a state of mind.  I know that it is easier said then done, and also easier for most of us while sitting on that beach.

That being said I would like to consider the possibility that we can have that same happiness in both places.  A life where each day flows into the next.  There is no more wishing it was the weekend already, or dreading that tomorrow is Monday. A life were we could be in a constant state of presence knowing we are happy to be where we are. Where our happiness exists not only on the weekends but at our desk, because that’s the place that inspires us.

I know I am not the only who believes that this is how it should be.  I have spent years wondering how to make this my reality.  I have read books and listened to inspiring tapes and every time I was always stopped by one thing. Money. I was raised to believe by “somebody” I don’t even know who, perhaps it was my family or society, that you had to work hard and do things you didn’t want to do to get by in life. That you had to sacrifice blood, sweat and tears to be successful. I have adopted this way of thinking and in return it has brought me financial stability in my life, but not true happiness in my career.

I have always felt like there was something missing and unfulfilled in my life. Like there must be something more that I should be doing. That something more is what I am searching for now.  This search is about me looking in for once and not out.  There is no pair of shoes, new car or night out that is going to fill this void. It is the one thing I came here to do; it is my gift to the world.

I believe we all come to this earth with a gift, an ability that we can share with others. Now stop your mind before it wanders, and stop thinking about the money. That was my biggest mistake until I finally got it. That’s not what this gift is about! It’s about what we can give, that’s why it’s called a gift! If we give our gifts to the world, I believe the world will reward us graciously. With all the things we desire, money included.

So how do we find this gift? Just look around; perhaps you are really good at golfing or sewing.  You may have hobbies that include: baking, cutting hair, organizing, biking, doing math or working out. What is the one thing you would do whether you were getting paid or not? What are you naturally good at? Those are the arrows that will point you in the right direction.  Take some time to think about all those things and then decide it’s time to start sharing your gift.

There are plenty of people who are interested in doing or having the things that you are naturally good at.  Consider that these are not their natural gifts and they will be willing to pay you to teach them or provide them with your services. What better way to live your life then sharing what you hold closest to your heart with others? Where your time spent is never wasted, it is enjoyable and allows you to be in the moment. By sharing what you enjoy most, you then have the ability to ignite the light in others!

“The thing is, being around someone who loves what they do is contagious and people will want to be around you.”

I believe my gift is writing. I also believe that it is my gift to use my writing to inspire others to take a look inside to find their gifts.  I want to help make a difference in people’s lives by reminding them the truth about who they really are.  To pick them up from the ditches of their lives, dust off the dirt and tell them that they are going to be ok.

The only reason I know that it is going to be ok is; I have been in those ditches. I’m still in the ditches of life every day, but today my ditches are a little less muddy and I am much better at pulling myself out.

There was a time I was 6 feet deep just waiting for the dirt to cover me up because that felt like more of a relief then actually having to climb out. I know that place, and I am grateful that I am no longer in that space. We do not need to hide there anymore.

Two weeks ago today I opened this blog with hopes of finding my purpose, my gift, and my happiness.  I have found it. I am here to be an inspiring person who makes a difference in the lives of people around me.  I now see I’ve been giving my gift all along, and I am finally giving myself the space and the time to share it.

You have a gift in you too.  It surrounds all that you do. It’s silently tapping on your shoulder with excitement as you read this.  Don’t silence that voice! It’s time we break the mold and get out of the habit society told us was the “norm.” The great thing about our gifts; they are all unique just like we are. We are not all going to the same “gift college” and picking out the same gift career, that has 1,000 other applicants for you to compete against. There is only one you, and there is a gift inside of you that can be shared uniquely only by you.

Together we can find our gifts and strengthen them in each other! So let us stop asking what our purpose is and why we are here… We already know the answer. It’s inside each and every one of us. Let us be brave enough to follow what it’s been begging us to do.  The time of silencing our gifts is over, the world is waiting…

Write back soon, Love Annie.



6 thoughts on “Ending the Grind of Nine to Five

  1. Annie, I have been feeling this way for far too long as well! Time for me to take your wise advice and focus on what I love and see where it takes me…… Thank you for being such an inspiration! A breath of fresh air!

    1. If not now when Britt!? I can see you down in the keys with a little beach bar of your own! Get. After. It. Xo

    1. I have a good editor ? Thank you for always being a sounding board for me to bounce ideas off of. I love you and appreciate you. Xo

  2. Love it!!! I’ve been in the ditch with 7 years of dirt on top of me, since I’ve been reading your blog, I started shoveling.. Love you!

    1. That’s the sweetest thing ever Mary. That really touched my heart. I love you and I am so proud of you!! It is hard to start shoveling that crap off your back but once you do, you will feel so much lighter. ?

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