Let Go and Let Life!

I am learning to let go of being attached to outcomes and preconceived notions of what I think is next for my life. Sometimes it is good to let go of the plan and just see where life takes you. My experience is, it’s usually better than anything I could have planned for myself!

Let go and let life!

The only thing that I am fully committed to at this moment in my life is my meditation. By meditating I feel as if I have been strengthening my relationship with myself while breaking down my old mind-set of how life “should be.”

It has taken 36 years of false programming to make me who I am today, so I figure it may take some time to undo all the damage. As small children we come into this world like blank computers. Then all through our adolescent years’ parents, teachers, friends and family have taken our key board and input information that we took on as our truths.



Our name, our religion, likes and dislikes. The type of food we eat and the type of people we associate with. What we should be when we grow up and what type of living we should make.

We heard things like; Money is the root of all evil, you have to sacrifice to get what you want, and it is not possible to do what you love and still make a good living.

We are expected to grow up, find a career, get married, have kids and settle down.

Not everything we learn in this life is necessarily “The Truth.” No matter who’s offering the information. There are no Gods in this life, only people doing the best they can with the information that they were given.

It is up to us to decide what our own truths are.


Flickr Image

I have finally decided that it’s all a bunch of bull sh@! I’m not saying that that is the truth either, but it is currently my truth, and as always, all things are subject to change.

So what am I up to? As some of my friends and family have inquired, clearly I can not just meditate for the rest of my life. Well, I could, lol but that is not what I am doing. Not because I can’t, but because I have other things in mind…

Along with my meditations I have been making lists and connecting to myself. I am finding all the things that inspire me and make my heart feel light and carefree. I am not focusing on the things that I think will make me the most money. I am focusing on the things that I love to do and would do whether I was getting paid or not.

When I go back to work, it will encompass three important things. It will be something that I love, it will be something that inspires others, myself included, and it will be of benefit to the world.

My intentions are to empower others to live a life that they love. I want to help free people from the shackles they have placed on their own wrists by showing them how I have removed mine.

“This life is beautiful, it is amazing, and it is unfolding in front of you like a magical story just waiting for you to read between the lines.”

Write back soon, love Annie.

Day 22 of 90 meditating.

Thank you to my good friend Lauren who allowed me to use her beautiful photo as my featured photo. Her life embodies all that I want to be when I grow up, although she is younger than me.

God bless you Lauren on your amazing life journey. xo (You must have had some good programmers in your life!)


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