It’s okay to have our moments. We are human.

Bad moment? Bad day? Bad week?… Doesn’t mean it’s a bad life. It’s okay to have our moments. We are human.

As so eloquently put by my good friend Lauren, “On some days, I have on my pasta strainer hat, plastic sword and cape charging forward, other days I just want to lay on the couch and say, ‘Screw my life.’”

We are human. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Some days we have the power in us to take on the world and other days not so much. It’s when we feel like we don’t have the strength to move forward that we have to be easy on ourselves and remind ourselves to take a deep breath and just be in the moment.

Through meditation and time away from the rat race, I have been connecting to places inside of myself that haven’t been acknowledged in years. I’m tapping into the quiet space between my ears that would much rather I was engrossed with nonsense busy work than working on myself. It would be so easy to just fall back into the routine of “groundhog day,” then to keep pushing through the uncharted territory of my mind and my heart.

The bad news is, when you start this kind of self-awareness work, it’s hard to stop. The good news is, when you start this kind of self-awareness work, it’s hard to stop. Once you know what you didn’t know, you can never go back to unknowing it. It becomes apart of who you are, and with each day that moves forward you continue to evolve with new self-awareness.

It’s like seeing the world through a completely new set of lenses.

The days of waking up and thinking that life is just about rising, working and watching the days go by are over. Although there can be a bit of bliss in that, because it requires very little work or attention. There is also a bit of boredom and numbness. Every day, week and month that approaches, we’d know exactly what to expect. All we’d have to do was get on the assemble line of life and blend in with the masses.

Living in awareness is quite the opposite. It’s a journey, and the journey is in.

I’m beginning to be aware of my body and my feelings all the time. I feel things with an intensity that I am not used to feeling, since a constant state of doing is no longer numbing me. I’m not going to lie, some days it’s quite exhausting and I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. Yet on other days, I feel light and excited! Living in the world like a child, with great compassion, love and curiosity.

I had an amazing opportunity to lead a weekend workshop with two incredible women who were brave enough to start working on “the journey in.” We spent four hours together where we worked on the trinity of the human experience: the mind, body and spirit. We worked out, meditated and then worked on our greatest life visions! It is in doing work like this I realize we are all just human, experiencing this thing called life, that does not come with an instruction book.

We are all called here to learn lessons, and to teach each other along the way. To use the gifts we were giving at birth, that no one else possesses, to help each other grow and evolve. Perhaps you are a good listener, or great at cooking a meal. Maybe you have a love for law and order, or Fitness and health. There are people out there that need your help, that need your advise and they are waiting for you to give it to them. You waking up each day and living an unfulfilled life is not going to help them. They need you to get up and get after what you came here to do. They need your guidance.

I am learning that the purpose of this life is to LIVE! To enjoy our days and help each other, in any way we can. We are all struggling with something and there is always something you can offer, if even just your time. We need to stop thinking less of ourselves and more about the world around us.

So what’s next? I am coaching two free mobility and meditation classes at my gym this week. I believe that lots of men and women who workout are doing it to clear their minds, deal with stress and run from their troubles, but sometimes the workout is not enough. That is why I am trying to bring meditation to Crossfit. To give people another option to clear their thoughts before they start their day or go home for the night. Another tool to help heal the human soul by allowing it to feel, instead of numbing it.

Loving this whole experience, even on the days when I am stuck in the illusion that I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s just a lie my mind is telling me. That fool is getting nervous about all this work I’m doing… Even though we never truly get rid of the negative voice in our head, “The Ego,” I am figuring out more and more how to ignore it’s lies.

Write back soon, love Annie.

Day 29 of 90 meditating.

If you’d like to attend one of my free classes message me or comment below!

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